Episode 139 - The Sleeveless Bandit Strikes Again!

We all know how I feel about sleeves these days, but years ago I helped played a prank that may have started it all!

Episode 135 - Happy Birthday! I Did All Your Drugs

It’s my birthday, so what better way to celebrate than with a tale from birthdays past. This story is about a trip to Austin with some pals, psychedelics, and puking in the street.

Episode 43 - Confessions of a Scaredy-Cat

I love horror, but when I was a kid it scared the bejezzus out of me! I was afraid of anything the least bit related to monsters or evil, and now I can't get enough of the stuff. Love that evil! Anyway, I started thinking about the origins of this fear and tried to figure it all out in this week's story. Hail Satan!