Episode 328 - Raisin' Hell and Indecline

On this episode I talk about getting to see Hellraiser in the theater and cross the streams as I smoke out of my Freddy Krueger bong. Also, my experience getting to see the Indecline exhibit at Recycled Propaganda here in Las Vegas. Get a sneak peek into the Patreon with some of my conversation with horror writer, Daemon Manx. Plus, all new What You Readin’ For and Mom’s Movie Corner.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 328 - Raisin' Hell and Indecline
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 327 - Livin' That Bootleg Life

I’m back from my first trip of the year, and it was jam packed. I talk new songs, new videos, new . . . other content, and my time in San Antonio with Kris Jett and Nick P. PLUS, some of my PATREON conversation with author/musician J.C. Moore. Don’t forget to subscribe to the YOUTUBE channel!


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 327 - Livin' That Bootleg Life
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 326 - Singing For Your Supper

On this episode of the podcast, I get ready to start traveling for the year and talk about my preparation, but not just packing and organizing things. There’s a bit of mental preparation that has to happen as well, so I talk about what I’ve been doing to help with this. There are new segments of WHAT YOU READIN’ FOR? and MOM’S MOVIE CORNER. Also, a Patreon sneak peek of my chat with author Wes Southard.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

#podcast #videopodcast #johnwayne #johnwayneliedtoyou

Episode 326 - Singing For Your Supper
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 325 - Blue Water and Manifestation

This week I talk about my travel coming up as well as announce the soft launch of a NEW exciting project, but you'll have to listen to find out. Mom's Movie Corner and What You Readin' For segments continue on! Plus, motivation and mindset for the new year. Don’t forget the pod is on video now as well, so subscribe to the YouTube channel.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 325 - Blue Water and Manifestation
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 324 - Love and Video For 2025

I’m back! After a much needed break, I’m happy to say the show is back and better than ever. Not only has the format been revamped, the podcast will also be available to watch on our YOUTUBE channel. Be sure to give it a follow and watch along every week. This ep also features a segment from my interview with author/comedian RJ Benetti. Listen to the entire conversation over on PATREON.


johnwayneisdead PATREON

Episode 324 - Love and Video For 2025
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 323 - A Quick Catch Up and So It Goes . . .

I’m back with updates as I wait to get the video portion up and running. This week I talk about the last three shows I did, ans I’ve included a recent reading I did here in Las Vegas.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 323 - A Quick Catch Up and So It Goes . . .
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 322 - Sometimes, Well; The Bear Eats You

This is a different kind of episode in which I talk about a recent crisis of confidence and hope I went through, what I’ve taken away from it, and what I know needs to happen next.

Episdoe 322 - Sometimes, Well; The Bear Eats You
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 321 - Museum Mumblings and The Road Ready Rush

This week, I’m prepping to hit the road for a month! Plus, I recap my show at The Punk Rock Museum AND the latest market we vended. PLUS, a portion of my chat with author, Bridgett Nelson. Check out my Patreon for the entire conversation.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 321 - Museum Mumblings and The Road Ready Rush
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 320 - Dust to Dust to Even More Dust

This week, I talk about defining success for yourself and maintaining your perspective by perhaps altering it a bit. Also, my recap of Creep It Real and all the dust fit to be busted. PLUS, part of my talk with author Chris Miller from this weeks Patreon show. Subscribe for the whole conversation and all back episodes.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 320 - Dust to Dust to Even More Dust
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 319 - Fire In The Whole . . . Darn State!

This week, fires to the left of me, more fire to the right, here I am . . . surrounded by FIRE! Also, I recap my awesome time vending at October Village, and talk about the spill I took into what I thought was a door. PLUS, a portion of my chat with artist/performer/singer, Dana Marie King. Check out Patreon for our full conversation.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 319 - Fire In The Whole . . . Darn State!
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 318 - Crossing Borders Into the Canadian FRINGE w/ Dana Marie King

This week, I’m joined in studio by my excellent friend artist/tattooer/performer, Dana Marie King. She’s on the road and stops off in Vegas to talk about her performance at Fringe Festival in Winnipeg, Canada, crossing the border, and losing your passport. For more with Dana, sign up for my Patreon for an entire episode dedicated just to her.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 318 - Crossing Borders Into the Canadian FRINGE w/ Dana Marie King
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 317 - Porn Stars, Parties, and a Day in the Life. Almost.

This week, I went to a crazy party in the afternoon that bled into a crazier party that went on all night. Also, I attempt to break down a day-to-day for someone like me, but realize halfway through, it’s darn near impossible. PLUS, a clip from my conversation with author, Patrick C. Harrison III. Join my Partreon to hear our full chat. ALSO, this ep includes a story from GA$$ MONEY MAGAZINE Issue #2 narrated by yours truly.

johnwayneisdead. com

johnwayneisdead Patreon


Episode 317 - Porn Stars, Parties, and a Day in the Life. Almost.
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 316 - Return of the Neon Infection

The second edition of my novel, Electric City’s Neon Infection, was just released, and this episode contains an exclusive reading from the book by yours truly. PLUS, hear part of my conversation with Blood Bound Books Co-Founder, Joe Spagnola. Check out our entire chat over on my Patreon.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 316 - Return of the Neon Infection
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 315 - Holy Houston! The Return.

This week I’ve returned from the Third Coast from whence I was raised, Houston, Texas. Houston Horror Film Festival kicked all the ass, and I tell you all about it in this episode. PLUS, I get a new glass tip for joints that I’m very excited about.


johnwayneisdead PATREON

Episode 315 - Holy Houston! The Return.
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 314 - From the Mist Like Behemoth - My Recap Of Midsummer Scream

Holy balls! I just left Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA. I swung by the house for one day to restock and record an episode before I hit the road again in a few hours. The con was awesome and bananas, and I tell you all about it. PLUS, a bit of my conversation with author, Mike Ennenbach from the Patreon podcast.

johnwayneisdead Patreon


Episode 314 - Form the Mist Like a Behemoth - My Recap of Midsummer Scream
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 313 - Hittin' The Road with GA$$ in the Tank

This week, I catch everyone up on the last few shows and give some insight into why the business is extremely hard to gauge most of the time. PLUS, GA$$ MONEY Magazine Issue #2 is out NOW, and my PATREON has a shiny new refresh.

johnwayneisdead Patreon


GA$$ MONEY Magazine Issue #2

Episode 313 - Hittin' the Road with GA$$ in the Tank
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 312 - Frightmare, Fire, and Electric Brain Boogaloo

This week, I’ve been busy putting together the new issue of my magazine, GA$$ MONEY, and I talk about a lot of what goes in to the process. Also, I recap my week including getting to see Dita VonTease perform, and it was spectacular. All this and another acid story! Join the Patreon for exclusive content and extras!

johnwayneisdead Patreon


Episode 312 - Frightmare, Fire, and Electric Brain Boogaloo
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 310 - Back to Basics and Back on the Road

On this episode I recap the local markets I did here in Vegas, get ready to hit the road again, AND announce the release of my NEW book, Toured To Death, coming 5/6/2024.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 310 - Back to Basics and Back on the Road
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 309 - I Want To Be A Cowboy! or Breakin'!

This week the lovely Scarlett joins me as we discuss my recent cancellations, mental health, and knowing when to take a break. I’m very sorry to have canceled some amazing shows, but it was for the best, and I’ll be back at full power in May with new shit from the same asshole.

johnwayneisdead.com - dates/books/music/merch

johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 309 - I Want To Be A Cowboy! Or Breakin'!
John Wayne Lied To You

Episode 308 - johnwayneisdead Vegas Style w/ Kris Jett

I’m back from another stint on the road and am joined by my good friend and drummer of johnwayneisdead, Kris Jett. We chat about the new record, tour dates, and our new drum czar, Dom.


johnwayneisdead Patreon

Episode 308 - johnwayneisdead Vegas Style w/ Kris Jett
John Wayne Lied To You