Episode 87 - Please Don't Look Behind Door Number One

This week I step back into my days as a clerk at the good ol’ software store, and how the unruly actions of myself and fellow co-workers may or may not have caused a District Manager to quit. Plus, wands and magic are flying around this week’s reading!

Episode 86 - I'm Not a Sportsman

We can’t all be sportsman, right? This week I give some background into the recording of a classic Letters to Voltron record as well as learning when not to hang out in the pool with your band mate.

Episode 85 - But Dude, You Friended Me

Despite the amount of weirdos and creepers on social media these days it’s still an amazing tool when used correctly. If you don’t like or agree with what someone says or does all you have to do is not look at their posts, right? It seems that’s not the case with a lot of people who feel the need to express why they don’t like it in venomous messages and unnecessarily scathing comments, which happens to be what our story is about this week.

Episode 84 - Manifesting Paula Abdul

Is it possible to manifest physical objects into existence? Nothing useful, but mostly pop music pressed on a dead medium. I’m not sure, but I have a story where a nine-year-old me Straight Up may have made it happen. Plus, check out my NEW book, As Seen On T.V., from Grindhouse Press!

Episode 83 - Days of the Dead Atalanta 2019 Recap

I’m back from Days of the Dead Atlanta 2019, and I’m ready to tell you all about it! Tune in to hear my breakdown of all three days along with all the weird, fuzzy parts in between.

Episode 82 - The Long, Drunk, Walk. A Donk's Prequel

Remember that time we went to Donk’s when johnwayneisdead was on tour? This week I give a detailed account of the events leading up to that glorious adventure including a walk to end all walks. Plus, my NEW book, As Seen On T.V., is out now from Grindhouse Press so check it out!

Episode 81 - Bizarrocon 11 Recap Adventures

I’m fresh back from my 6th BizarroCon in a row, which was the 11th overall, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. This is easily one of my favorite events every year, and this was no exception. Tune in to hear all about what a time I had!

Episode 80 - Captain Safety Patrol!

This week I tell a tale of my time as Safety Patrol Captain in fifth grade, and an innocent misstep that landed me in hot water with ‘the man’. Also, I get denied a table at a convention because of my ‘content’.

Episode 78 - First Third World Problems

A few years back I ventured waaaayyyy out of my comfort zone when I went on a trip to Nicaragua. As a guy who doesn’t enjoy doing ‘outside things’ you can imagine how it went. There were some bright times too, but I’d rather see the movie.

Episode 77 - How the Service Industry Ruined Christmas for Me

It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . . if you don’t have to deal with a million mouth breathers who have apparently never interacted with another human being. That’s right, this week I’m talking working in the service industry during the holiday season, and how it squeezes any of every form of good cheer from your entire being.

Episode 76 - Jekyll and Hyde Comic and Horror Con Recap

I’m fresh back from the 2018 Jekyll and Hyde Comic and Horror Convention, and am ready to tell you all about it. I detail the trip starting from Nick P and I leaving Houston and all the chili-drenched, hotdoggin’ good times along the way. What a time was had!

Episode 75 - In the Court of the Homecoming King

This week I look back into my high school days again at a time when I was introduced to the world of high school royalty in the form of the homecoming court. There was no way I would be nominated, but that was my name they called over the loudspeaker. I was caught off guard, out of my element, and dressed to depress, but from all of this a small spark of confidence was birthed.

Episode 74 - Poo Shoe

Stepping in dog shit isn’t the end of the world, and is mostly funny when it happens. That is unless you’re me in seventh grade. This week I pull from the archives of my childhood when I was an emo, giant pussy who cried at the drop of a dime, or in this case a shit.

Episode 73 - Nick P, Galveston, and Me

In a special episode I have one of my best buds ever, Nick P, over to Wayne Manor to help tell a story we experienced together. It was a rowdy, and poorly remembered trip to Galveston, but we managed to put the pieces together enough to agree on what happened. At least I think we agree . . .

Episode 72 - You Send Me Swangin'

Ah, New Orleans. A city of culture, history, and vomit. Lots and lots of vomit. This isn’t a vomit story, but it is about a trip to good ol’ NOLA that happened to coincide with a National Swingers Convention. Did I mention it was also a city of great adventure!

Epiosde 71 - Walk This Way, But Not That Way

This week I talk about another time I found myself in a studio situation i probably had no business being a part of, but such is my life. I tried to help skirt the licensing laws, but I was in no danger since pulling it all off proved harder than anticipated.

Episode 70 - Sir, I Have Grossly Overestimated You!

This week I tell a tale of being asked to be involved in a musical project in which I may have bitten off more than I could chew. By that I mean I may have been a tad highly under qualified to be in the same room as the people I was working with. I used it as a motivator and look at me now kids! Look at me now . . .

Episode 69 - You Better Pick-Axe Someone!

Yeah, yeah my name’s John Wayne, but what have I done for you lately? Well, I was in that one movie that one time. This week I tell of my short foray into the world of film acting, and how ignorance made me an accidental badass!